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Mold is a fungus that needs nutrients and water to grow. Mold can be found indoors and outdoors all over the world. Most are non-toxic, but they certainly aren't goodto eat!Mold can grow on surfaces l ...

Mass is a measure of how much matter, or material, an object is made of. Weight is a measurement of how the gravity of a body pulls on an object. Your mass is the same everywhere, but your weight woul ...

Carbon dioxide, also commonly known by its chemical formula CO2, is one of the major building blocks of life. It is usually found in its gaseous form, and is a major part of the plant and animal life ...

Have you ever touched something that became hot enough to burn you only moments after it was cool to the touch? This can happen when you stir a pot of soup on the stove with a metal spoon or roast mar ...

Every chemical reaction that exists is one of two things: endothermic or exothermic. The Greek root thermmeans temperature or heat, which gives us a clue about all reactions: there is energy exchange! ...

Have you ever wondered why some foods give you more energy than others?"Bomb calorimeter" sounds a bit confusing – it canalso be called a "combustion calorimeter." The sample is placed in a small meta ...

Energy is neither created nor destroyed: it is only transformed. There are many different forms of energy, including kinetic energy (the energy of motion), potential energy (energy that is considered ...

The water cycle describes the flow of water on Earth. The biggest stock of water on Earth is in the oceans. While there are many small processes in the water cycle that help water get from one place t ...

Soils are extremely important parts of every ecosystem. They are a home to many microbes and provide vital nutrients to the plants that live in them. pH is the measure of acidity or alkalinity of a so ...

Optics is a branch of physics that studies the interactions of light with objects. Microscopes, cameras and other transparent “looking devices” use lenses to change the way we see objects. Using magni ...